ISO Certified Web & Mobile Development Company
" Free Solutions with any Committment. We hear quite a bit about ‘tech for the good’ – technology’s unique ability to support social, cultural or environmental progress. We also hear about need for us all to work together in the current COVID-19 crisis to support the health and economic well being of our communities. And today, we are beginning to see launch of initiatives that combine these two imperatives, harnessing the power of technology in support of measures that can help us mitigate the health risks and economic impact associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. "

The impact of COVID-19

The impact of COVID-19 on small businesses and the employees that work for them has been devastating, with forced closures and social distancing restricting operations and putting many out of work.
As industry and the world grapples with COVID-19, many companies are working in solidarity with one another to facilitate remote working, communication, healthcare and other solutions. In support, Influxive has launched Open Solidarity, a global initiative aimed at providing technical solutions free of charge using OVH infrastructure for the entire duration of the crisis, to handle additional workloads.

Services being offered Free of Cost Until THE END!

1. UI UX Design & Development
2. Web Design
3. Graphic Design
4. Ecommerce Portals
5. Magento Development
6. Open Source Development
7. Social Media Optimization
8. Search Engine Optimization
9. Hosting & Maintenance

Open Solidarity in COVID-19

#help #open_solidarity #covid19 #pandemic
#uiux #uiuxdesign #uiuxdesigner #uxdesigner #uxdesign #appdesigner #webdesigner #userinterface #userexperience #websitedesign #webdevelopment #webdevelopmentcompany #graphicdesign #graphicdesigner #webdesignservices #websitedesigner

Web Stories - Talks of Every Corner!
Influxive Journal - The Blogs

Magento Launches Version 2.4. What’s New in Magento 2.4?

Hire Magento 2 DeveloperHire eCommerce DeveloperMagento

Magento Open Source 2.4.0 introduces support for PHP 7.4, Elasticsearch 7.6.x, and MySQL 8.0. Substantial security changes include the enablement of two-factor authentication in the Admin by default. ...

How Much An E-commerce Websites or Online Store Cost Today with Mobile Applications in USA?

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Development of any eCommerce Website or Online eCommerce Store along with mobile applicatiion is not expensive especially for startups who are just trying to enter in the online world space. Although ...

How much does a Shopify Ecommerce Website Cost - Real Numbers?

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At the lower end, any Shopify Ecommerce Website will cost you around $2500 bare bones. Often agencies have a minimum benchmark starting at around $3,000 - $30,000 and then the skies the limit dependen...